International Forum on EU Competition Law 2023

25/05/2023 - 26/05/2023 | Brussels

Thank you for your interest in the International Forum on EU Competition Law on May 25/26 2023 in Brussels.

We are very honored by the fact that EVP Commissioner Vestager and numerous agency heads, judges, officials, academics, business leaders and private practitioners will participate in our conference and discuss with us the most important and current topics of EU competition law.

EU-Forum Brüssel


The Hotel
Boulevard de Waterloo 38, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Video recordings of the event

Important note: If you want to watch the video, you will leave the homepage of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e. V. and will be redirected to the YouTube homepage.

Thursday, 25th May 2023

Lecture 1: 
Current issues in European competition policy 
Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President European Commission, Commissioner for Competition, Brussels

Lecture 2: 
Reform of the European judicial architecture 
Marc van der Woude, President General Court ofthe European Union, Luxembourg

Lecture 3: 
Developments in Swiss competition law and in the relation between Swiss and EU competition law 
Laura Melusine Baudenbacher, President of the Swiss Competition Commission, Bern
Monique Sturny, Walder Wyss, Zurich

Lecture 4: 
Environmental, social, governance ('ESG") standards and competition law - opportunities and limits 
Martijn Snoep, Chairman of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets 
Andreas Mundt, President, Federal Cartel Office, Bonn 
Susanne Wagner, GE HealthCare, GE Medical Systems (Schweiz) AG

Lecture 5: 
Nascent players, Art.22 EUMR and FSR - new procedural and substantive challenges for transactions 
Julia Brockhoff, Head of Unit, DG COMP, A.2 Merger case support and policy, European Commission, Brussels
Adrien Giraud, Latham & Watkins, Paris and Brussels / Member of the Board of Directors and Secretary General Association des Avocats Pratiquant le Droit de la Concurrence (APDC), Paris
Kai-Uwe Kühn, The Brattle Group, Brussels
Vanessa van Weelden, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Brussels

Friday, 26th May 2023

Lecture 6: 
Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the application of Art. 102 TFEU and Section 19a GWB 
Thomas Kramler, Head of Unit, DG COMB J.3 Digital Platforms Ill, European Commission, Brussels
Silke Heinz, Heinz & Zagrosek, Cologne
Romina Polley, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Cologne

Lecture 7: 
Enforcer Panel: Current challenges of competition law enforcement in Europe 
Benoît Coeuré, President Autoritd de la concurrence, Paris
Natalie Harsdorf-Borsch, Acting Director-General, Federa I Competition Authority, Vienna
Linsey McCallum, Deputy Director-General for Antitrust, DG COMB European Commission, Brussels
Konrad Ost, Vice President, Federal Cartel Office, Bonn
Pierre Zelenko, Vice-President of the Association des Avocats Pratiquant le Droit de la Concurrence (APDC), Paris

Event registration

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Event registration

Guests are e.g. representatives of cartel authorities, professors at universities, speakers and invited guests.

Past events